Covid-19: Letter from Edwin De Boevé

Dear members,

Since the Second World War, never before has a phenomenon, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, impacted so many people at the same time on a planetary level.
Social street work everywhere had to adapt to the situation. Either by stopping the presence on the streets, or by supporting the populations in street situation who are particularly affected by the virus and this by taking the risks that you know. For all of you, I would like to encourage you to respect the health regulations which will allow you to protect yourself, your loved ones and the populations with whom you work.

The countries that seem to best resist the consequences of the pandemic are those that had an anticipatory and preventive vision of public management by having developed a quality health system open to all as well as a strong social protection system.
We will learn from this unprecedented experience and, in the future, remind authorities around the world of the importance of always favoring this preventive approach which favors the well-being of all.

In this particular context we also have important missions. The first mission is to remain vigilant that fundamental rights are respected and are not sacrificed in the name of the fight against the pandemic.
The second mission is due to the nature of our profession, the street social worker always seeks to highlight the positive sides in the worst situations. Let’s stay with this positive vision and bring around us this hope for a better world.
“Non quia timemus non audemus, sed quia non audemus, timemus” (Seneca). “It is not because we are afraid that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that we are afraid.”

Looking forward,
Edwin de Boevé