About international cooperation
Dynamo International’s development cooperation projects and programmes meet the grassroots needs of the network’s members.
Dynamo International coordinates the International Network of Street Social Workers. Dynamo International focuses on helping to defend and get respected children’s rights, and the application of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and improving the living conditions of children and young people in street situations in the Global North and the Global South. Dynamo International’s development cooperation projects and programmes meet the grassroots needs of the network’s members.
Dynamo International targets the following strategic areas via its development cooperation projects:
- Capacity building for stakeholders in the child protection sector.
- Facilitating consultation between professionals (setting up and coordinating platforms).
- Lobbying the public authorities to ensure that children’s rights are protected and defended, and, in some cases, to obtain official recognition for the role of street social worker.
- Raising the awareness of the general public.
In practice, Dynamo International’s role in terms of supporting these projects and programmes is:
- Managing grants – this guarantees financial transparency.
- Co-funding projects.
- Technical and methodological support (stays, exchanges, training for street workers etc).
- Involving these organisations in the international network in order to more effectively coordinate street work and ensure a better overview.
- Supporting advocacy targeting the public authorities in order to defend children’s rights.
Dynamo International endeavours to promote a society based on exchanges, interaction, tolerance, justice, equality, fraternity and international solidarity through this support. These various development cooperation programmes and projects help to improve people’s perception of street children and young people and their circumstances. The global challenge is to ensure that each and every child can rely on support, protection and social and educational provision, in line with the CRC.
Dynamo International is a member in Belgium of:
Les projets
Via its development cooperation projects and programmes, Dynamo International supports the development cooperation projects and programmes implemented by the members of Dynamo International Street Workers Network (DISWN).
At the present time, there are three projects/programmes being run by members of DISWN:
- Planatruch– Haiti: 2018-2020 project: rolled out as part of Wallonie Bruxelles International’s indirect cooperation work.
- CATSR-DRC: 2017-2021 programme: rolled out under the framework of the Belgian General Directorate for Development’s funding.
- COSAED-Senegal: 2017-2019 project: rolled out as part of Wallonie Bruxelles International’s indirect cooperation work.
The national platforms implement the projects.
PLANATRUCH, CATSR and COSAED are all members of the International Street Workers Network. As such, the representatives of these platforms take part in the Pilot Group every two years. The Pilot Group is an international meeting for street social workers and its aim is to enable workers to exchange practices and take collective decisions on how the network should progress at the international level. As these three platforms receive support from Dynamo International, they are also accountable to the Pilot Group with regard to project progress and the structuring of social work in their countries.