Accompany children and young people in streetsituation in Burkina Faso and Benin
Capitalization of experiences and good practices
It is thought that kids and teenagers in street situation are minors that live or even survive in the urban public space. Often broken with family, those children have a huge risk to be expose to bad practices that reduce their right to live in a clean and safe space to stay healthy.
In the Cotonou’s streets (Benin) and in Ouagadougou’s streets (Burkina Faso), lots of children and teenagers are submitted to all kind of traffics and exploitation, that reduces their futures opportunities. Keoogo and Terres rouges, with the support of Doctors of the World Belgium have developed a respectful approach of singularity of every child and teenager in streetsituation to accompany them closest of their needs. Their support is wanted to be the most adapted for every child so that they can find the good answer for their situations and build the future they want. This report offers a description of the approaches and logics that allow to have an holistic support for those children and teenagers. The goal is to offer a mindtool and concrete propositions to actors and actives institutions in that field so that the learned lessons in this project are useful to the public.
This report is only available in French.