Concrete ideas for a more just and inclusive society in Quebec!


Group of Quebec Community Organizations for Street Work. Note from ROCQTR-ATTRueQ, public consultation for the development of the government’s fourth action plan to combat poverty and social exclusion.

I share with you a brief written jointly by ROCQTR and ATTRueQ. It was recently submitted to the government as part of a consultation for the development of the fourth government action plan to combat poverty and social exclusion. This document outlines concrete actions for a more just and inclusive society.

The ROCQTR’s mission is to promote, defend and support the practice of street work in Quebec by ensuring the recognition and enhancement of this approach to working with people in vulnerable situations, and by fostering its development, growth and influence.

The ATTRueQ is an association that brings together street workers, who share the particularity of integrating into people’s living environments to offer social support. To encourage exchanges and the sharing of experiences, the association regularly organizes regional meetings, where its members gather to discuss issues related to street work.

This note is an action plan addressed to the government to combat poverty and social exclusion. It is important that the government recognize the importance of these issues and the need to act to create a more equitable and inclusive future. This note is therefore an opportunity to highlight the challenges facing people experiencing poverty and social exclusion, while proposing concrete solutions to overcome these obstacles.