Laboeduca 6 #KaleanCalle 2021 – Socio-educational care for children and adolescents II

Jon Echeverria Esquina, Navarra 2021, Asociación Nuevo Futuro (ANNF), Government of Navarra, Innov@Social, Erasmus+ Project #Americas, 2021

Experiences and proposals for the future

This publication reports on the second year of the #Kalean Calle project aimed at systematizing and disseminating the knowledge developed in projects with the cooperation of several Spanish entities, and establishing methodological principles that help and inspire the territory to improve socio-educational work with children and young people. The project and the knowledge generated have also been linked with educators in other countries through Dynamo International – Street Workers Network and the Mobileschool Network, as well as the Erasmus+ Americas project (Capacity Building).

Laboratory for socio-educational innovation ANNF  and

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