Laboeduca 7 #Jovenity@ 2021 Digital strategies to strengthen the socio-educational care of teenagers.

Jon Echeverria Esquina, Navarra 2021 Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro (ANNF), Innov@Social (Fundacion Caja Navarra - Fundacion La Caixa) , 2021

Jovenity@ is an experiment supported by Innov@Social that aims to propose guidelines for strengthening socio-educational work using digital communication tools. The project was conceived as an opportunity to think things through, incorporating the voices of young people and communications experts and devising a methodology for use. As well as educating about the dangers of the Internet and incorporating some tools in an incidental way, the aim was to produce enough knowledge to establish a real digital strategy to improve our work.

Laboratory of Socioeducative Innovación – ANNF /

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