Social Work Facing the Challenge of Living Together: Towards the Construction of Collective SpacesAnupa Sartorius2025-02-17T14:28:17+00:00
Outreach Social Work and the Challenges of Its Formalization: A Focus on the Notions of Security and InsecurityAnupa Sartorius2025-02-17T14:28:29+00:00
Addiction put to the test of its diction: between the wolf, the meadow, and the streetAnupa Sartorius2025-02-07T12:37:48+00:00
GREA’s French-speaking platform for extramural social work outside the home (TSHM): A collective reference pointAnupa Sartorius2025-02-07T12:40:21+00:00
Extramural social work: a privileged space for “detection and early intervention”Anupa Sartorius2025-02-07T12:41:32+00:00
The international street work network: another face of globalisationAnupa Sartorius2025-02-08T09:37:59+00:00
Essay on the future of the work? Proposals and reflections. Living – Caring – Contributing – Creating – ParticipatingAnupa Sartorius2023-09-19T11:40:54+01:00
Exchange of experiences, knowledge and practices on socio-educational and therapeutic work with families between TSR in Slovakia and SpainAnupa Sartorius2023-09-19T11:34:40+01:00
Concrete ideas for a more just and inclusive society in Quebec!Anupa Sartorius2023-10-09T12:10:14+01:00
#Americas Project @Erasmus+ 2020-2022 – Advocacy and Networking to promote a gender equality and human rights-based approach to street-based youth workAnupa Sartorius2023-08-31T10:01:38+01:00
#Issue 7 – Gender Rights approach and perspectives of Gender – Equality and the Empowerment of Girls, Adolescent and WomenAnupa Sartorius2023-08-31T09:53:11+01:00
IQ Street Work – Inspiring the quality of street work – Strengthen street work through documentation and follow upAnupa Sartorius2023-08-31T09:40:47+01:00
Laboeduca8 #KaleanCalle 2021-2023 #Nexus – Between school and the street: Connecting teams to care for children and teenagersAnupa Sartorius2023-08-31T09:28:43+01:00
Participation of children and young people in international cooperationAnupa Sartorius2023-08-30T15:44:05+01:00
Yes! We can! A psychotherapeutic proposal for the recovery and reintegration of children, teenagers and young people in street situations or in the process of psychosocial exclusionAnupa Sartorius2023-08-30T15:29:55+01:00
Childhood and violence: Participatory study of the situation in Spain and development of proposals to improve care for children and teenagersAnupa Sartorius2023-08-30T15:29:52+01:00
Laboeduca 7 #Jovenity@ 2021 Digital strategies to strengthen the socio-educational care of teenagers.Anupa Sartorius2023-08-30T15:29:51+01:00
Laboeduca 4 #Aperio #Rupturas – Between school and the street: Experimentation to strengthen formal education with non-formal education proposalsadmin2023-08-30T15:29:50+01:00
Laboeduca 6 #KaleanCalle 2021 – Socio-educational care for children and adolescents IIAnupa Sartorius2023-08-30T15:29:50+01:00
Laboeduca 3 #KaleanCalle 2019 – Socio-educational care for children and adolescentsAnupa Sartorius2023-08-30T15:29:43+01:00
Assessment of the social struggles of street outreach workers in the Americasadmin2023-08-30T15:32:10+01:00
The daily life of young people facing the health crisis: testimonies of social workersadmin2023-08-30T15:32:18+01:00
Identify and hang the invisible and, in particular, the youngest of them. Assessment, perspectives, and recommendationsadmin2023-08-30T15:32:24+01:00
The alliance of culture and social work, 3 years of experimentation with youth supported by street workersadmin2023-08-30T15:32:32+01:00
Standards for prevention work and quality criteria for street work in the city of Oslo in Norway for the benefit of vulnerable young peopleadmin2023-08-30T15:35:27+01:00
Inspirational guide: Mainstreaming children’s rights in development cooperation programmesadmin2023-08-30T15:35:38+01:00
Accompany children and young people in streetsituation in Burkina Faso and BeninCapitalization of experiences and good practicesadmin2023-08-30T15:35:44+01:00
Practical guide : Sensitizing school communities on street children issues using non formal education methodsadmin2023-08-30T15:36:08+01:00
Summary note of the conference “The street, which street? The street social worker meets his publicadmin2023-08-30T15:36:16+01:00
WORDS FROM THE STREET III Social street workers international forum : Presentation fileadmin2023-08-30T15:37:39+01:00
Stories from the street – Personal experiences of street social work from across the worldadmin2023-08-30T15:37:42+01:00
International Guide on the methodology of street work throughout the worldadmin2024-03-26T13:54:15+00:00