Summary note of the conference “The street, which street? The street social worker meets his public
– Only available in french –
The “Social Assistant” (social category of HEPH Condorcet) and “Educator specialized in psycho-educational accompaniment” (pedagogical category of HEPH-Condorcet) Baccalaureates have proposed on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 a symposium focusing on street social work and the ways of meeting the different publics concerned.
Several speakers had the opportunity to express themselves during the various meetings organised, such as Dynamo, Dynamo International, the CPAS Charleroi, street workers from Ixelles and Molenbeek, Espace P, Trace de Rue, the Cité de l’Enfance, the Clinique de l’Espérance, the AMO “Tu dis jeunes”, the CHU of Charleroi and Espace P.