Laboeduca 3 #KaleanCalle 2019 – Socio-educational care for children and adolescents
Evaluation and proposals for a street education program in Navarre, Spain
This document is part of a series of publications generated in the Laboratory for socio-educational innovation from Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro in order to systematize and disseminate the knowledge developed as part of the projects. Numerous study visits and local, inter-regional and cross-border forums are organized, providing a wealth of information on what’s happening and what’s being done in many places. In addition, prototypes and proposals are developed, which are then “tested” in the real world so that conclusions and lessons can be drawn. The aim is to establish methodological principles that help and inspire the area to improve socio-educational work with children and young people.
Laboratory for socio-educational innovation, ANNF and
Available only in Spanish