Assessment of the social struggles of street outreach workers in the Americas
This study aims to present an identification of the social struggles of street outreach workers in the Americas, as well as the direct and indirect impact of their work with street populations. This will be used to obtain information on the work and actions of the Dynamo America Network.
The study could then serve as a basis for future projects, programs, plans and policies and improve educational practice with the street populations and have an impact on improving the decision-making of the governments of each country.
To this end, an analysis of the training and political advocacy strategies implemented by the organizations that make up the Dynamo America Network was carried out, in order to contribute to the creation of mechanisms, regional standards and instruments for recognition and validation between the countries concerned.
During the Forum Words from the Street 2021 the regional coordination of the Americas made a presentation of the study and in 2022, it will organize zoom meetings for its wider dissemination.
This project was funded by CNCD and Wallonia Brussels International.