Joining the International Network

How to join as a person, collective, institution, association, …

Any person, group, institution, organisation or association that adheres to the Dynamo International – Street Workers Network Charter and wants to join the network, can do so, if it abides by the conditions and procedures listed in the regulations.

Based on the type of membership application, Dynamo International – Street Workers Network accepts three types of member:

Adhesion criteria for national platforms :

  • Adhere to the network values mentioned in the Charter
  • Assemble a minimum of 8 street social workers with a field practice.
  • Organize meeting places, spaces for consultation and exchanges of practices.
  • Create a group with its own identity or an informal group supported by an existing structure.

Modalities of adhesion for national platforms:

1 – How to enter the application?

2 – The application is scrutinized

Each regional coordination is responsible for investigating the application for membership, and makes every effort to gather as much information as possible (virtual meetings, exchanges, visits, etc.), and to check that the application meets the eligibility criteria.
The regional coordinator will then submit the application(s) to the members of his region for their opinion.

A membership committee made up of members of the regional coordinations and the technical team will meet at least once a year to examine the applications and the regional coordinations’ reasoned opinions. Once the applications have been examined, the Membership Committee convenes the International Steering Group for a decision. The International Steering Group considers membership applications once a year.

3 – Membership decision

The membership committee, made up of members of the regional coordinations and the technical team, will present the applications and the reasoned opinions to the International Pilot Group once a year for decision.

The International Pilote Group then holds a session for discussion and clarification.
It can then take 3 decisions: Join, put on hold or refuse to join.

Moussa Sow
+221 (0) 338 361 308
+221 (0) 776 332 396

Veronica MULLER
+44 (0) 30 11 43 15

Francis Lacharité
+1 819 314 5788

+639 285 080 971

+852 92 29 87 34

Anja Manja SEGULIN
+ 386 40 745 177

+ 43 316 34 66 32

General Coordination
Edwin de Boevé
+32 477 54 71 39

Coordination of the technical team
Véronique Martin
+32 491 25 50 95

Projects and Advocacy
Francesco Ferrando
+32 495 10 28 10

Consult the documents relating to the membership process
to the International Network of Social Street Workers