EPSCO Council adoption of the Council Recommendation establishing the European Child Guarantee
EU Alliance for Investing in Children welcomes the EPSCO Council adoption of the Council Recommendation establishing the European Child Guarantee. Today is a historic day for the protection of the rights of children growing up in poverty and social exclusion in the European Union. After years of negotiations, evidence-based advocacy, and hard work, the EU Alliance for Investing in Children, bringing together over 20 European Networks, is delighted to welcome the EPSCO Council adoption of the Council Recommendation establishing the European Child Guarantee.
The EU has successfully set up an innovative framework which aims at breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and social exclusion by calling on EU Member States to guarantee access to basic rights and services for children in need such as children with disabilities and mental health issues, homeless children, children in migration or with minority ethnic origin (particularly Roma), children in the alternative (especially institutional) care system and children living in precarious family situations.
The Recommendation has been adopted by unanimity with the support of all the 27 Member States, which shows the EU’s firm commitment to tackle child poverty in the EU and to champion the rights of the 18 million children growing up in poverty and social exclusion across the EU.
The EU Alliance is pleased to see that most of the requests made over the last months and years to have been included in the final text of this ambitious Recommendation.