Senegal, COSAED raises awareness of civil society and civil servants on children’s rights
Mbour, 19 December 2019 (APS)
Here is an article published on 19 December 2019 by the Senegalese news agency (A.P.S.) which reports on an activity carried out by the COSAED, Collective of support structures for children in difficulty, which is the national platform of Senegal, Member of Dynamo International – Streetworkers Network.
Members of civil society and public servants have been made aware of the protection and promotion of children’s rights. , noted the APS.
Through a two-day workshop that ended Thursday in Mbour, COSAED, through an awareness program, wanted to participate in the struggle “for a fairer world for children with known and recognized rights”, informs its national coordinator, Siaka Coulibaly.
This program, which is implemented in seven regions of the country, namely Kaolack, Kolda, Dakar, Saint-Louis, Ziguinchor, Tambacounda and Thiès, aims to combat all forms of violation of the rights of the child by strengthening the capacities of the actors involved in the struggle for the improvement of the living conditions of children.
According to Mr. Coulibaly, like the other regions of Senegal, the Thiès region, which includes the Department of Mbour, is also characterized by a strong presence of children in vulnerable situations and by lack of access to the fundamental rights of children.
« Children are victims of exploitation, human trafficking, trafficking, abuse or abuse, if they are not sexual violence, in the eyes and in the knowledge of everyone, without this being the subject of collective recrimination », He said he deplored the fact that the problem of children in difficulty is generally increasing every day.
« We think that action will have to be taken to change the public’s perception of this phenomenon, in order to contribute to better protection for children in difficulty, » said the national coordinator of COSAED.
As part of its outreach activities, this group focuses on parents. The idea is to make them more aware of this phenomenon and their responsibilities in relation to such a problem.
For the director of the Nianing Social Adaptation Centre, Mr Mamadou Diéna, the draft child code would benefit from being adopted for a better efficiency in the interventions and in the care of children.
“Awareness-raising should be intensified and directed towards the families who form the first basic unit of society, among media professionals, with basic community organizations, etc., and on the scale of the situation and the urgency of taking up with each other this problem which is ganging up society and which risks compromising the future of our youth, » said Mr Diéna.