Street social work also means supporting people who died in the street in 2022 by a tribute to the City Hall, in the presence of the Mayor of the City of Brussels, Mr Philippe Close.
Belgium – Street Social Work – Collectif Mort·e·s de la rue – Street Workers Nertwork
Brussels – Ceremony of tribute to the dead in the street in 2022 organized by the Collectif les Morts·e·s de la Rue
On 24 May, the Brussels City Hall held a ceremony to honour those who died in the streets during 2022. The day is organized every year by the Collectif les de la Rue and was inaugurated with a speech by Mr Philippe Close, the Mayor of the city of Brussels. It was followed by testimonies, music and poems to pay tribute to each of these men and women, young and old.
“Every life matters. Every death matters. Only those who are forgotten die.”
The Collective receives more and more applications every year, learns more deaths. This year, we learned 79. We learned 46 10 years ago. Yet every year we hope to be of no use.” Says Hector, a founder of the Collective and former homeless.
After the ceremony, butterflies are hung in the tree planted at the Mont des Arts, in music and poetry, by the participants in the ceremony.
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A person who pays homage to his companions
A father who pays tribute to his son Soulaimane who died in the street at the age of 23