The 2022 Pilot Group
The 2022 Pilot Group was held as part of the International Meeting of Street Work “Planetary Diversion: Elbow to Elbow to Inclusive Practices” held from May 30 to June 03, 2022 in Québec City, Canada, by the ATTRueQ, ROCQTR and DISWN.
Testimony of Johnny Herbin, representative of Dynamo France to the Pilot Group 2022 – Quebec.
What about Quebec City, where I put my temporary cabin from May 26 to June 4, 2022, during a trip organized jointly by Dynamo International – Street Workers Network, l’ATTRueQ – Street Workers from Québec – and ROCQTR – community organizations from Quebec for street work – during the International Meeting on Street Work!
I have always considered myself an artisan of the relationship who builds his practice through companionship, walking the streets to go to and develop a look that considers the other. This stay in Quebec City nourished the humanist and specific approach to street work that we preserve through our meetings, our exchanges, our reflections and actions with all the people of the various countries represented as well as the street workers of Quebec.
The result is incredible energy, humanity in every look, smile, word. Committed, inspiring street workers who work every day to maintain the bond, to make community in a world that is torn apart in its social fabric. It comes back to me in memory of the meetings that will leave a scent of roses on the hands of those who offered them. I leave with the conviction and commitment that we, the street workers, form a huge village in which I am proud to live. I remember the many smiles, laughter and laughter that animated our exchanges, our evenings. Sometimes it only takes a spark to start a prairie fire. I left Quebec with that flame in my eyes, my soul, my heart.
So a huge thank you to you, the organizers, the representatives, the street workers. Taking the time to mention names would be non-exhaustive in view of the many hands that shaped the beautiful setting in which we evolved during this stay. You will all recognize each other because I have expressed to you my deep gratitude, affection, and gratitude. A special dedication to a great gentleman, a Belgian psychologist of his state, you taught me that in the unexpected there are sometimes hidden treasures of humanity.