Training of Trainers: Ljubljana (Slovenia) 19-25 November 2023
In the framework of the project Noleby, a group of more than twenty social street workers from 12 European countries attended a training that focused on the topic of participation and in particular on participatory action research methods, such as digital storytelling.
Participant’s report
The week in Ljubljana was a very rich one, both in terms of learning and encounters. First of all, I’d like to express my deepest thanks to the organizing team, who did a remarkable job. Thanks to faultless logistics (in terms of accommodation, food, and communication), the training course really showed its full potential (everyone knows that you learn better when you sleep well and have a full belly).
As far as learning is concerned, the concepts and tools shared during the training proved highly relevant, and were truly integrated into the professional practices of the majority of participating street workers. Helder and Antonia managed, with kindness and flair, to ensure the accessibility of the concepts and tools shared. We were given the opportunity to anchor the theories and methodologies linked to participation at the very heart of our realities, making them mobilizable as soon as we returned to our respective workplaces. What’s more, the trainers’ pedagogy proved to be participatory in itself, placing us in the position of knowledge producers and experts in our fields. By carrying out tasks in small working groups, we were given the opportunity to discuss and learn about each other’s realities (professional, individual, territorial, cultural, etc.).
Finally (last but not least), it’s important to underline the richness and cohesion of the participants. Indeed, despite the size of the group, the vast majority of participants seemed to take great pleasure being together the all week, both during the learning sessions and in the non-formal exchanges during free time.
On a personal note, this week in Ljubljana brought me face to face with the fact that, as street workers, we form a very fine community of which I’m proud to be a part. A group of diverse and varied people who are used to going ‘outside the walls’ to meet the Other, and who deserve greater recognition for the work they put in every day.