Erasmus+ Americas Project 2020-22: Networking and advocacy to promote the human rights approach and gender equity in street social work

This project, coordinated by the Navarra Nuevo Futuro Association in Spain, with the participation of 6 partners from the Americas and 2 from Europe, and 9 DISWN members, has led to two meetings of street social workers in Ecuador and Guatemala, training for trainers and an awareness-raising campaign. Two publications, one on the theme of “Rights approach and gender perspective” and the other on “Good practice on rights approach and gender perspective for socio-educational work with young people” are available for download.
DISWN members and project partners
Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro (Spain) project leader – Dynamo International – Street Workers Network (Belgium) – CAI Conversas Associação Internacional (Portugal) – Asociación Mi Rancho (Bolivia) – AESMAR Associação de Educadores Sociais de Maringuá (Brazil) – Corporación Educativa Combos (Colombia) – Fundación Somos Calle Ecuador (Ecuador) – Asociación Coalición Sembradores de Vida Siembra Bien (Guatemala) – Centro Transitorio de Capacitación y Educación Recreativa El Caracol AC (Mexico).
Project results
Workshop for exchange of practice between SWs on the theme “The gender dimension in street social work” organized at national level by each project partner country
Training of trainers (E-Learning 20h) “Rights-based street social work and the gender equality approach”. 80 participants: project partner members with SWs members of their platforms, SW trainers – college and university professors in the social education department.
3rd Words from the Street Forum in Brussels from 18 to 22.10.2021 with the participation of project partner members. For five days, more than 250 participants exchanged ideas, enriched their practices, created together, filled up with energy and produced recommendations presented to the European Commission on the forum’s closing day.
More info on the 3rd International Forum of Street Social Workers
International meeting of TSR in Quito – Ecuador from 28.02 to 04.03.2022 organized by the national platform “Somos Calle Ecuador”. 20 partners took part in: workshops to exchange best practices on human rights and gender in SW; round table on street habitability: what public policies?; Forum: each partner presented a theme; field visits to several associations (homeless, addiction, street children).
International seminar for the exchange of best practices in Rights, gender equality and advocacy in Antigua – Guatemala from 05 to 09.09.2022 organized by Siembra Bien. 45 partners took part in: inauguration at the Ministry of External Relations in the presence of public and political representatives; round table exchange of national and international best practices; round table exchange of advocacy experiences; presentation of a petition in favor of youth protection within the framework of the National Youth Policy 2022-2032 to national political authorities; field visits and cultural activity.
Awareness campaign: creation of a Facebook #Educacion social de calle for SWs to post presentations of their day-to-day work. Production of a national video on the theme of the project by each country and production of an international video.
OER – Open Educational Resource on social street work: platform developed by SWTI, open, free, organized by themes and modules and is interactive, so that students can share their own resources, books, videos, diagrams, podcasts and anything else they deem useful, so that it can be used by others around the world.
OER is available in 4 languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese: cai.org.pt/e-learning
Publication based on the project theme