Path of a reflexive practitioner: a crossed look – Marie Claire LavaterAnupa Sartorius2023-12-23T14:17:09+00:0023/12/2023|Gender, Social street work, Street Workers Network|
Dynamo International’s YOUTH are (also) committed against patriarchy!Anupa Sartorius2022-12-03T20:24:50+00:0003/12/2022|Europe, Gender, International mobility, Youth service|
African Court Rules Vagrancy Laws Unlawful following Filing by Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) for Advisory Opinionadmin2021-08-19T14:19:18+01:0021/06/2021|Advocacy, Africa, Children and youth in street situation, Gender, Human Rights|
Discussions, games and sharing about feminismadmin2021-08-19T14:23:11+01:0018/06/2021|Europe, Events, Gender, Youth service|
AMERICAS project: Advocacy and networking to promote a gender equality and human rights based approach to street-based youth workadmin2021-04-27T13:39:16+01:0027/04/2021|Advocacy, Gender, Human Rights, Street Workers Network|
One small step for Dynamo International, one big step for women’s rights!admin2021-03-15T11:12:27+00:0015/03/2021|Gender|
AMERICAS 2020-2022: Advocacy actions for the human rights approach and the gender perspective in social street education and networking.admin2020-12-15T14:11:50+00:0015/12/2020|Children and youth in street situation, Gender, Project, Social exclusion, Street Workers Network|